[rescue] 360 from Nuremberg

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Wed Jun 5 17:24:04 CDT 2019

  The 9U-to-6U adapter was made by Dawn, but I don't think the CM
interface board was.


On 6/5/19 6:18 PM, Richard wrote:
> Also note that the board was made by DAWN Technologies who are still about....https://www.dawnvme.com/ maybe they have something in the archive....
> On Thu, 6 Jun 2019, at 8:13 AM, Richard wrote:
>> good description of the board over at CHM...
>> https://www.computerhistory.org/collections/catalog/102730344
>> that's 2 know boards :-) Things are on the up....maybe you could ask if 
>> you could borrow it for Proof of Concept and reverse engineering....
>> On Thu, 6 Jun 2019, at 7:43 AM, Mike Ross wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jun 6, 2019 at 9:31 AM Phil Stracchino <phils at caerllewys.net> wrote:
>>>> On 6/5/19 5:19 PM, Mike Ross wrote:
>>>>> Well I need two things, one rather rare, one almost extinct:
>>>>> - A Sun machine to use for a front-end for the Connection Machines, a
>>>>> SPARCserver-630 would be ideal since I know one has been used for this
>>>> job
>>>>> elsewhere.
>>>>> - The special VME board, made by TMC, that allows the above machine to
>>>> act
>>>>> as a front-end!
>>>> I imagine that VME board is going to be the really tough one.
>>> 'Really tough' barely begins to describe it. There is one - ONE - known to
>>> exist on this planet, and it's in the SPARCserver-630 that is part of a
>>> complete, 'should be working' CM-200A system at the Musee Bolo in
>>> Switzerland.
>>> It's possible the board from that machine may be physically or functionally
>>> reverse-engineered, or cloned - I have some heavyweight assistance in this
>>> project! But much better if I could scare up another board of course. Which
>>> is unlikely but not impossible; the front-end Sun may have been retained
>>> and repurposed by whatever institution owned the CM after the CM itself was
>>> scrapped or otherwise taken away, and then sold or ended up in the hands of
>>> a hacker, collector, or a Sun dealer,
>>> This is the board in question:
>>> https://twitter.com/eruptionchaser/status/980231562506641411
>>> Critically, the Swiss museum also have all CM-2 software on the disks from
>>> the SPARCserver-630 - and that's the the only copy of the software known to
>>> exist! Without it, it's a boat anchor. They're in the process of imaging
>>> all those disks.
>>> Mike
>>> http://www.corestore.org
>>> 'No greater love hath a man than he lay down his life for his brother.
>>> Not for millions, not for glory, not for fame.
>>> For one person, in the dark, where no one will ever know or see.'
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Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA

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