[rescue] IE on Solaris - WAS:::::compiling old software re: emacs on SunOS 4.1.4
Jerry Kemp
sun.mail.list47 at oryx.us
Sun Jun 3 02:32:27 CDT 2018
Sorry for replying to old stuff.
Been out over the last week and I am catching up.
That said, Andrew and Jonathan, is this *really* your opinion? Or is the sarcasm just not making it across the Internet?
At least from my experience, and that of peer (sys admins), it was a horrible, nasty, buggy product that, we all suspected, merely
filled in a check box for m$, and was gone as quick as it appeared. We (sys admins) all quickly loaded it up, played with it a bit,
then just as quickly deleted it. Was working at a large oil exploration company at the time. Supporting hundreds of geologist at
the time (23 floors worth), all with SPARC Solaris based desktop's. God-help-us if any them had seen or knew about IE on Solaris's
existence and had asked for it.
One of the few products I don't keep a copy of in my (personal) archive. Nothing positive to say about it.
These comments where just funnies? Just missed 1 April by a bit? Right?
On 29/05/2018 14:11, Andrew Jones wrote:
> The b
browser on hardware that old is probably Internet Explorer for UNIX.
> Buggy, little or no CSS, but at least itbs fast
On 29/05/2018 15:17, Jonathan Patschke wrote:
> IE for Solaris was pretty darned good, as was IE for MacOS.
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