[rescue]   Sun gear to give away in the Netherlands

Walter Belgers walter+rescue at belgers.com
Mon Aug 6 05:53:23 CDT 2018

On 2018-08-03 14:33, Mike Spooner wrote:
> Note that the Sun SPARCstation-10 does not have a "built-in CDROM drive",
> nor even a bay to add one. Perhaps Jap is either (a) referring to the
> built-in 3.5" diskette drive, or (b) has transplanted SS10 mobo into an
> Antec generic pizzabox case or similar, or (c) is referring to a
> Tatung/Axil/Hyundai/ITRI/Trigem/DTK/EOS/Integrix clone (Sun SS10 mobo in
> OEM chassis).

I think that is indeed an error. I have seen the stack of pizza boxes, 
there were no Tatung/Axil/.. systems, so it's probably an SS10 without a 
built-in CDROM drive.


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