[rescue] [nifty] FML

Jerry Kemp sun.mail.list47 at oryx.us
Fri Dec 15 14:47:46 CST 2017

that is odd regarding the x2200m2's.

I have (2) of them now in one of my spare bedroom/computer rooms.  They aren't 
silent, but *very* tolerable.

Someone else had commented on V210's and V240's.  My personal observations is 
that neither is quiet, but the 1U V210 systems were significantly louder than 
the V240's.  More room for larger fans is my assumption.  YMMV.

OTOH, I was the guy that purchased Mr. Bill's T1000, and that is a *loud* beast.

If I understand correctly, hosting was lost, and Mr. Bill was forced to move all 
the mailing list to a system in his home on a business class line, but was never 
able deal with the noise from the T1000.

I also have a T2000, and it is significantly quieter than the T1000.  Currently, 
I rarely power up the T1000 due to the noise.

Earlier in the year, I had acquired an older & larger Sun computer.  If I am 
unable to get that system/system board to power up, my plan may be to pull the 
system board from the T1000 1U case, retrofit it into the larger case, and 
replace the existing/small/very fast/noisy cooling fans with 
larger/slower/quieter ones.

Have to see how that plays out.


On 12/15/17 02:05 PM, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> On 12/15/17 14:44, Carl R. Friend wrote:
>>     240s are sweet machines!  I worked with those a few years ago and
>> loved 'em.  They're loud, though, for a dwelling.
> My X4540 is by no means quiet, but neither it nor my two Dell R610s are
> anywhere near as obtrusively noisy as the two V210s or the X2200M2 I
> used to run before the R610s.  The R610s whine a little.  The X4540 is
> loud when you're standing next to it, but pretty quiet from the other
> side of a glass door considering the volume of air it's driving.  The
> V210s and the X2200M2 *SCREAMED* - and they shut themselves down
> automatically if the air temperature dropped below 5B0C.  The X4540
> doesn't do that.
> (The X2200M2 is still in the rack, it's just powered down...  Cory has
> the V210s now.)

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