[rescue] How to remove RA60 from rack?

Barry Keeney barryk at chaoscon.com
Sun Oct 16 23:04:35 CDT 2016

   Been a few years since I last worked on a VAX with RA drives,
(about 9 years, at work)...

   But if I remember correctly you can remove the disk packs out
of the case and thats about half the weight. This should make
things much easier to deal with.

   Most of the disk failures I had to deal with, the service
guy and I would just replace the disk packs, the logic and
the rest worked just fine. I think I replace about 5 drives
in the 3-5 years at my current job when they still had a Vax.

   Last time I admit I know Vax, VMS or for that matter Cobal!

On Sun, 16 Oct 2016, Patrick Finnegan wrote:

> You might look at the rack installation procedure starting on page
> 6-26 of the install gude:
> http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/www.bitsavers.org/pdf/dec/disc/ra60/EK-0RA60-SV-001_May83.pdf
> Basically, you unscrew the rails from the drive, and then they'll
> mostly be sitting on the rails, and you can lift it off.
> BTW, It's more like 90kg for the rack and 70kg per drive according to
> the service manual.
> On Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 7:42 PM, Meelis Roos <mroos at linux.ee> wrote:
>> I am offered a DEC half-rack with 2 RA60 drives. However, to actually
>> move this 100+ kg unit, I want to remove the drives from the rack and
>> transport them separately. They slide out but there is no obvious way to
>> remove them from the sliding mechanism.
>> Does anyone know of ahint for me to pass over the phone for the
>> technician there by the drives aboiut removing them for transportation?
>> --
>> Meelis Roos (mroos at linux.ee)
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Barry Keeney
Chaos Consulting
email barryk at chaoscon.com

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