[rescue] What is this traffic?

microcode at zoho.com microcode at zoho.com
Sat Oct 31 12:29:32 CDT 2015

On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 08:38:28PM -0400, Mauricio Tavares wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 2:25 PM,  <microcode at zoho.com> wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 02:16:45PM -0400, Mauricio Tavares wrote:
> >
> >>       I was going to suggest to use a reasonably modern machine with
> >> some kind of windows connected directly to the router and run
>       Just to make sure I did not imply windows as in microsoft, but
> any kind of linux/osx/microsoft gui thingie.

Yeah, understood thanks.

> >> wireshark since it gives a nice graphical view of the amount of junk
> >> flying on the wire.
> >
> > That I could do. But I would not know how to interpret the wireshark output.
> As others mentioned here, making sure all devices are locked in full
> duplex instead of auto (if they can only do 100baseTX instead of
> gigabit) makes a lot of difference.

I don't have a way to do this since the switch has no interface and the
router doesn't have an option for that.

> Other thing I find concerning is your ISP. I take you have to go
> through them to get out even though you have a different company for
> the connection, right?

As I understand it the carrier takes me from the wall to the ISP and from
there the ISP <--> outside world.

We tested it by the carrier routing me directly to the carrier and we got
full bandwidth. Also everything on the line tested fine, and the router
shows a connection speed of 18+ Mbps. When the ISP is back in the line
speedtest.net shows I'm getting 1.5M on a good day and even then it is
extremely variable.

> > I am not sure how to do that. But I'll check Lionel's suggestions first.
> >
>       Go for it. My main point is to see if you can narrow down the
> source of the issue, or at least figure out what it follows.

Didn't want to restart the discussion until I have a chance to follow up on
Lionel and Laurence's suggestions but also didn't want to not respond to
your post.

Thanks a lot. Will get back to the list with any updates.


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