[rescue] whois advice needed

Scott Newell newell+rescue at n5tnl.com
Tue Aug 28 13:10:22 CDT 2012

This is a weird one, but I figured someone here has probably seen it before.

It appears that dotster has copied my domain's nameserver config into 
someone else's domain.  Since the whois for _their_ domain is now 
returning _my_ nameserver config, I'm seeing lots of requests for a 
zone that I don't handle.  Weird huh?

I called dotster Sunday and explained the situation, but they've not 
corrected it.  (I also sent an email to someone that may or may not 
be the tech contact for the domain.)  I think that maybe since I 
don't own the fubar'd domain, they're not too concerned about fixing it.

Surely there's a method for reporting this sort of thing?  (I bet you 
could DOS a small DNS server pretty quickly if you listed it as 
authoritative for google or facebook...)


newell  N5TNL

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