[rescue] Harvard: suns need saving from scrap: ss5, enterprise 220r, ultra 10

Robert Keyes rkeyes at fas.harvard.edu
Mon Mar 28 13:14:22 CDT 2011

Save these from being scrapped, they are going soon like TODAY!

Maxwel Dworking building 33 oxford st cambridge ma, havard university

building is open later, downstare surpus aarea in a hallway. upstairs loading
dock closes around 5pm.

right now the stuff: two sparcstation5, an enterprise 220r, and an ultra 10
creator 3d are in the donwstairs (basement) hallway, a side hallway, on a metal
baker's rack along with a bunch of old PCs and macs and an scs1620 secure
console server. There's a mac as well, a large silver on (g4? with its drive
and memory plundered.

a urge you to move quickly on this.

i do not represent the university in any way, I am a mere undergrad.

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