[rescue] SGI goodies anyone?

pete leaknoil at charter.net
Sun Oct 17 21:39:05 CDT 2010

  It looks like its about 26 cents per hour to run something like a 
Onyx2 on average. Using .15/kwh which can be low sometimes. You can see 
how it adds up.

On 10/17/2010 7:04 PM, Patrick Giagnocavo wrote:
> On 10/17/2010 9:57 PM, Richard wrote:
>> In article<4CB9D239.4030805 at metrocast.net>,
>>      Phil Stracchino<alaric at metrocast.net>  writes:
>>> Personally I would love to have something on the class of an Onyx2 or
>>> E10K, *if I could afford to run it*.
>> I don't understand why people think that such machines need to be on
>> 24x7.
> I think it is more that they can take a long time to start up and shut
> down, plus, power cycling them often can reduce the life of the components.
> --Patrick
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