[rescue] Using a Fire V240 as a desktop...

David Griffith dgriffi at cs.csubak.edu
Tue Nov 30 18:44:19 CST 2010

On Tue, 30 Nov 2010, Phil Stracchino wrote:

> On 11/30/10 12:09, Sandwich Maker wrote:
>> " X-IronPort-AV: E=Sophos;i="4.59,280,1288566000"; d="scan'208";a="154469974"
>> " From: Stefan Skoglund <Stefan.Skoglund at agj.net>
>> "
>> " mC%n 2010-11-29 klockan 05:04 -0600 skrev Caleb Cupples:
>> " > []
>> " > Just use Stop-A to get to the ok> prompt in OpenFirmware, and then
>> " > just execute "setenv output-device screen" and then "sentenv
>> " > input-device keyboard". Reboot the system, and it should work, and you
>> " > should have the world's noisiest desktop computer.
>> "
>> " Stop-A ?
>> " How to emit that if the only thing which you have is a PC with minicom
>> " and serial cable between them.
>> "
>> " PS
>> " i know perfectly well how to do this with a true Sun type 4 keyboard.
>> " This is about when the only available tool is a serial terminal
>> " DS
>> iirc a serial brk will do it, but some emulators can't send brk.
> And some trap it themselves and discoonect...

Last time I used Minicom to control a Sun machine was a few years ago. 
Sending break would work fine and I'm quite sure Minicom still behaves 
line this.

David Griffith
dgriffi at cs.csubak.edu

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