[rescue] Octane won't talk to the outside world...

Richard Zawaski zski128 at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 19 07:15:03 CST 2010

If you are in 4dwm you can use the GUI to set the network address/gw, etc. But 
thats cheating...;)

----- Original Message ----
From: Caleb Cupples <cscupples at gmail.com>
To: The Rescue List <rescue at sunhelp.org>
Sent: Fri, November 19, 2010 8:05:50 AM
Subject: Re: [rescue] Octane won't talk to the outside world...

On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 6:26 AM, Christopher Purdy
<escher2 at chartermi.net> wrote:
> I'll start with the obvious...
> Are you using DHCP?

Yes, and I fear this may be my downfall.
> If not - do yo have a default route set?  How about your nameservers?

IIRC, even IRIX 6.5 requires the nameservers to be set, and I've done so.
> I've found SGI's DHCP implememtation to be a bit flakey and I manually
> configure nameservers regardless.
> Not sure of your experience level with *nix, but if you aren't familiar
> setting up networking on a Irix box, it is pretty oldschool if you aren't
> using DHCP...

I like to think I know my way around *nix because of my various Linux
and OpenSolaris boxen, but the Netra running Solaris 9 and now this
Octane are proving me wrong. :)
> read the man pages on hosts, nsswitch.conf, and route...
> In general - you need to add a default route to your router IP
> route -add default xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
> then add your ISP's DNS servers to your hosts file
> and then modify your nsswitch.conf to use DNS.
> There are some more steps in there but its been a while... I got lazy and
> started using DHCP and just adding my DNS servers manually.

Unfortunately, trying to be lazy and use DHCP doesn't seem to be
working this morning. Instead, I ended up reteaching myself how to use
vi to edit config files and making mental notes to see about finding
an IRIX build of nano.

For now, I'm off to either get some sleep or break down and assign a
static IP for this thing. I just can't decide which will be easier.. I
guess it all depends on how it's seen by the primary router, as
opposed to the WRT54G I have acting as a wireless client bridge.

C. Scott Cupples
Psychology Undergraduate
Jackson State Community College

Phone: 731.607.0668
Email: cscupples at gmail.com
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