[rescue] Sunburst

Nemo cym224 at gmail.com
Thu May 20 18:49:34 CDT 2010

On 20 May 2010 18:13, John Lengeling <John.Lengeling at radisys.com> wrote:
> Since we are all remembering the good old days of Sun.

Here is a story of a wholly subjective comparison of Sparc versus
Intel.  I had a U10 (440 MHz and 1 GiB) running Sol 10 as well as an
IBM PC (~500 MHz and 1 GiB) running SuSE  under my desk.  I was
compiling a patched gcc 4.1.2 (for a language that used the gcc
front-end) and needed to compile a patched gdb as well.  Both were
compiling on the U10 and I was editing with emacs as they trudged
along.  I thought: Why not try that on the PC?  The dual compilation
brought the PC to its knees with a noticeable delay between the typing
of a character and its appearance on the screen.  Compilation on the
U10 finished long, long before that on the PC.  (I know. I know.  The
PC architecture is crippled, still...)


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