[rescue] 2 boxes of SyQuest Cartridges and other stuff.

Chris Brandstetter sirloxelroy at gmail.com
Sun Sep 27 18:30:27 CDT 2009

I have some stuff that I was gifted via FreeCycle, that I do not need,
and thought I would gift it here.

2 Qty Paper boxes (Actually almost 3) of SyQuest Cartridges, and 1 44MB
2 Qty Amiga PC Emulation Cards.  1 for  2000, 3000, 4000 with an 8088
Processor.  1 for 500 with an 8088 Processor.
1 Qty Amiga 2000 in working order.  FYI I do believe in FreeCycle, and
personally that you should never sell anything that someone gave you out
of the kindness of their heart, thus is why I am posting it here.
1 Qty Texas Instruments TI-92 in the box with all the parts, I think.

Location: Lincoln Nebraska

Chris Brandstetter

Version: 3.1
GCS/IT d+(-) s++:++ a C++++$ UBLISXC*++++$ P++++$ L+++$ E-- W+++ N+ o K-
w-- O M++$ V PS- PE Y+ PGP++ t++ 5+++ X+ R- tv-- b+>+++ DI D+ G+ e+ h++

To Decode: http://www.ebb.org/ungeek/

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