[rescue] 488/S driver

Jay York jay_york at verizon.net
Fri Sep 18 10:23:37 CDT 2009

Hey Mark-

Even without documentation, all may not be lost.  Some notes from  
memory on the topic of "Discovering undocumented features of SCSI  

1.  Map the command universe by issuing short versions of the command  
header for all command bit patterns (0-255), and noting what comes back.
2.  Your primary data movers for a device like this are probably the  
small address versions of the CCS read and write commands, maybe the  
medium versions, probably not the large versions.
3.  If the data movers aren't the standard CCS read and write, they  
are some vendor specific commands, but the command block probably  
still looks like CCS read and write.  It's less likely that they are  
completely custom.
4.  Use Mode Sense input to intuit Mode Select output.

Hope that helps.  The big thing is that it can be done for all but the  
most wacky of devices.


On Sep 18, 2009, at 11:02 AM, Mark KAHRS wrote:

> I realize it's probably a hopeless cause, but just in case it isn't...
> A long time ago, in a galaxy far away Sun used an Iotech box marked
> 488/S to interface from SCSI to GPIB.
> The question is: does anyone have ANY of the documentation regarding
> the SCSI protocol needed to talk to the box?
> "Your milage may vary"
> Mark.
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