[rescue] SunBlade 2000.... doesn't power on

Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. rescue at hawkmountain.net
Sun Sep 6 22:05:46 CDT 2009

It was the side cover intrusion switch.... the piece of plastic on the 
side cover is broken
off and was not pusing on the intrusion switch !

Other than that broken piece of plastic, a broken retaining 'clip' for 
the top plastic,
and the handle of the power supply which took a hard hit (presumably 
during shipping),
this thing is M I N T mint.... 

I bought it as new on the box.... and this system has never been used... 
no dust,
drive boots up having me pick Solaris 8 or Solaris 9.... nice...

1G of RAM, 1 CPU, DVD Drive, Floppy Drive, and Smart Card reader.... now 
just need
to locate another CPU and another Gig of RAM for it :-)

-- Curt

Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. wrote:
> I a "new in the box" SunBlade 2000... doesn't power on.
> Plug in the power supply, you hear the power supply make an audible 
> click... but
> pressing the power button on the front does nothing.
> Anyone with some SunBlade 2000 experience care to point me in the right
> direction as to where to best start looking ?
> If a power supply is a likely candidate... as I understand it the U80, 
> SB1000, and
> SB2000 all used the same supply... if this is so, anyone have an extra 
> power supply
> for one ?
> Thanks,
> -- Curt
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