[rescue] Small Cheap Linux Board??

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Thu Nov 26 05:40:19 CST 2009

2009/11/25 Weird Shanghai <weirdshanghai at completesh.it>:
> I am looking to do some embedded work, so single board comptuer, does not
> have to be
> intel only.  suggestions welcome.

I have a couple of Viglen MPC-Ls at home. They're PCs, not embedded
but fit in the 'single board' category. They have AMD Geode CPUs and
come with an 80GB 2.5" hard disk, 6 USB ports, VGA, audio in and out,
built in speaker and power brick. They consume no more than about 10W
at full tilt and are x86 compatible.


We (Ubuntu UK Podcast- http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/ ) got a nice deal
with Viglen in season 1 episode 11 whereby you can get one for #79
including UK shipping and Tax. You get a USB keyboard and mouse with
it, along with a 1GB USB stick, which seems pretty good value for


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