[rescue] The dumpster is here (re: Stuff available for free/donation -> cheap)

Kurt Nowak knowak at alumni.calpoly.edu
Thu Oct 16 21:08:59 CDT 2008

You still have any SS10 mainboards and powersupplies? I think I emailed 
you a while back. I would like to have 2 of each.

Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. wrote:
> The dumpster is here... and I'm prepping for the first pass which
> I'll be doing this weekend.
> In addition to stuff I've previously listed, I also have a ton of
> Sun 411 drive boxes.  Most people probably don't want any,
> but if someone wants a spare power supply, the fan, or the
> internal scsi cable, a replacement plastic top, etc... let me know...
> That pile of 411 cases has dumpster written all over it.
> I still have a bunch of SS10 bare bases.  If you want a spare
> mainboard, power supply, internal scsi cabling, etc... speak
> up now....
> I have one bare SS20 base left (with JPL Y2K 'OK' sticker on the
> front :-) ).
> I have a QMS PS810 printer that is going to the dumpster.  It is
> a parts printer.  The fuser I think is gone, and the power supply
> is suspect.  The logic board is known good.  This printer served
> to 'rescue' a QMS PS815 (donating it's power supply, fuser, and
> the plastic 'shell').  Any parts wanted off this (mainboard, etc)
> let me know.
> -- Curt
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