[rescue] Help finding flat cable to slimline IDE adapter

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Mon Mar 10 20:45:51 CDT 2008

On Mon, 10 Mar 2008, Aaron Finley wrote:

> What is the name for the little adapter that goes on the back of a
> server slimline CD-ROM which converts the plug into a place to insert
> a ribbon connector? All I have at this point is the ribbon cable and
> slimline CD, and no way to connect them.

You either want this:


or this:


Jonathan Patschke | "There is no such thing as a short of reserves...
Elgin, TX         |  one bank can have a problem...the Fed can print
USA               |  money, there is no shortage."
.                 |     --Jim Glassman, US Economist, JPMorgan Chase

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