[rescue] FC-AL drives on sale at geeks.com
Lionel Peterson
lionel4287 at verizon.net
Tue Jan 8 08:42:01 CST 2008
>From: Dan Duncan <danduncan at gmail.com>
>Date: 2008/01/07 Mon PM 09:42:47 CST
>To: The Rescue List <rescue at sunhelp.org>
>Subject: Re: [rescue] FC-AL drives on sale at geeks.com
>Aaaaand anyone who has ordered anything from geeks.com in the last
>year may want to read this.
>Someone hacked their credit card database.
>Their website still displays the "hacker safe - tested daily" logo.
>I've been a happy customer in the past, but I guess I won't be buying
>from them any more
>after I cancel my credit card and put a fraud alert on my credit.
Well, OK, but to be honest, they have had (I guess) one security breech in 10-
12 years, and they did the right thing (notified customers that might have
been at risk). After this incident, I can only suspect their security would
improve, leading me to believe they could be safer in the future.
Personally, I will continue to shop with them but I understand your decision -
it just concerns me that if we punish retailers that do the right thing (see
above), what is the incentive for other retailers to do the right thing? If
everyone dropped a retailer that had a similar problem, a "bad" retailer could
wipe out their competition by simply having someone hack into each
competitor's website and call their data security into question (no need to
actually compromise the database, just raise the question)...
I find it interesting that only Visa card info was vulnerable...
I've used my Amex card when I shop with them, and I trust in Amex fraud
prevention/security measures, but that may out of nothing more than marketing
and not fact.
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