[rescue] Rescued O2

Curious George jorge234q at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 15 23:04:33 CDT 2008


--- On Fri, 8/15/08, Joshua Boyd <jdboyd at jdboyd.net> wrote:

> > I'd be happy if I could just *reliably* digitize video, etc.
> OK.  There are two potential issues.  First, it sounds like
> you have a R10k or R12k.  Some of the R10ks were incapable of doing
> this reliably.

R10K.  If it turns out that it can't do this, then it goes
back in the "recycle" pile (nothing gained, nothing lost)
> The second issue is that the O2 is a bit finicky about
> sync, so people
> using non-professional VCRs tended to benefit from using a
> time base
> corrector, which describes most pro quality capture systems
> of the day.
> Actually, that still describes a lot of pro quality
> captures systems if
> the newish gear at work is anything to go by.
> > > Premiere 4.2 was absolutely terrible.  The
> included software is
> > > what it is, which is to say very basic.
> > 
> > Yes, that seems to also be a "given".  :<
>  I note how crappy
> > the SunVideo software is, the video software that came
> with
> > my VWS320, etc.  It;s as if they wanted to say
> "See?!!  You
> > *could* do these kind of things!!!" but really
> didn't want
> > to spend much effort ($$$) proving that point! 
> (cripes, then
> > why even bother if you aren't going to exploit the
> unique
> > abilities of your hardware over that of "beige
> computers")
> I think the Irix included software is a cut above those two
> examples.

OK.  I'll take a look aat it.
> > > Fow awhile I had dreams of writing my own
> software to
> > > maximize the O2,
> > > but of course writing good GUIs is always hard,
> which is
> > > what kept me
> > > from getting anywhere.  Now I can see some better
> starting
> > > points (on
> > > the surface, OpenME looks like it could be
> reasonably
> > > stripped down to
> > > just a GUI then built back up again), but I lack
> the time
> > > and energy.
> > 
> > Easier and quicker to just move to a platform that does what
> > you need *now*.
> There is no free software that does what I want now.  The
> commercial software that appears to come the closest is in the
> neighborhood of $100k, as a turnkey package including hardware.  

Ah, I don't have the same problem !  :>

> Besides, I make my money writing code, not editing, so it
> makes sense
> for me to think about writing my own software, even if it
> doesn't make sense to actually do it.

I make a living designing hardware/software -- but, rarely waste
my time building any sort of tool that I can more readily buy.
(I find there are more interesting things to do than build tools)

Of course, if you can leverage that effort into a salable *product*...

> > > You could always clear the password by sticking
> the disk in another
> > > machine.  Linux can do the job, although I think
> you might have to
> > > custom compile a kernel to do so.
> > 
> > I don;t run Linux.  Solaris or NetBSD are the only
> choices I have
> > readily available...
> I see.  It might be possible to do it on NetBSD, but I
> don't know.  I'm pretty certain Solaris is right out.

I'll wait until I get my hands on media and then do it the
easy way  :>  Remember, this "fell into my lap" so its not
even on my *list* let alone having any *priority*!  :>

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