[rescue] cleaning out

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Fri Aug 8 13:49:44 CDT 2008

haroldkarl at juno.com wrote:
> I have a bunch of Sun processors and memory to get rid of... 
> 7- 501-5420, 2- 501-5500, 2- 501-5129, 3- 501-4196, 10- 501-4849
> and 1- 501-5446. As for memory... a bunch of 501-2480, bunch
> of 501-2622, bunch of pairs of 501-4743, some sets of 501-2196,
> and a bunch of 501-2654.
> I have some EXX00 processors, 400mhz 8meg...
> Sorry, I am trying to move and don't really want to toss this stuff...
> $$$ for shipping (priority mail)....

And where are you located?

Peace...  Sridhar

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