[rescue] E250 temperatures

Joshua D. Boyd jdboyd at jdboyd.net
Mon Apr 14 17:02:15 CDT 2008

On Mon, 2008-04-14 at 14:44 -0700, Skeezics Boondoggle wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Apr 2008, "r.stricklin" wrote:
> [...]
> > Which is a long long way from this:
> >
> > Mach kernel version:
> > 	 Darwin Kernel Version 9.2.2: Tue Mar  4 21:17:34 PST 2008;
> > root:xnu-1228.4.31~1/RELEASE_I386
> > Kernel configured for up to 8 processors.
> > 8 processors are physically available.
> > 8 processors are logically available.
> > Processor type: i486 (Intel 80486)
> > Processors active: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
> > Primary memory available: 8.00 gigabytes
> > Default processor set: 94 tasks, 517 threads, 8 processors
> > Load average: 0.50, Mach factor: 7.49
> Whoa.  I just caught this.  You're running Darwin on an 8-way 486 box
> with 8GB of RAM?  What make and model?  That's very curious.

I'm going to hazard a guess that it is a Mac Pro.

> Here's the only semi-interesting one I have laying about:
> System Configuration:  Sun Microsystems  sun4d CYRS,Superserver-6400
> System clock frequency: 55 MHz
> Memory size: 3072Mb
> Number of XDBuses: 4
>                  CPU Units: Frequency Cache-Size
>               0: MHz MB   1: MHz MB   2: MHz MB   3: MHz MB
>               ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
> Board  0:        85 2.0      85 2.0      85 2.0      85 2.0
> Board  1:        85 2.0      85 2.0      85 2.0      85 2.0
> Board  2:        85 2.0      85 2.0      85 2.0      85 2.0
> Board  3:        85 2.0      85 2.0      85 2.0      85 2.0
> Board  4:        85 2.0      85 2.0
> Board  5:        85 2.0
>                  Memory Units: Group Size
>               0: MB   1: MB   2: MB   3: MB
>               -----   -----   -----   -----
> Board  0:       128     128     128     128
> Board  1:       128     128     128     128
> Board  2:       128     128     128     128
> Board  3:       128     128     128     128
> Board  4:         0       0       0       0
> Board  5:       256     256     256     256
> ======================SBus Cards======================================
> Board0:        SBus clock frequency: 20 MHz
>                0: QLGC,isp/sd(block)    'QLGC,ISP1000'
>                1: dma/esp(scsi)         'SUNW,500-1902'
>                   lebuffer/le(network)  'SUNW,500-1902'
>                2: QLGC,isp/sd(block)    'QLGC,ISP1000'
>                3: qec/qe(network)       'SUNW,595-3198'
> Board1:        SBus clock frequency: 20 MHz
>                0: QLGC,isp/sd(block)    'QLGC,ISP1000'
>                1: QLGC,isp/sd(block)    'QLGC,ISP1000'
>                2: ba                    'SUNW,SAHI-3'
>                3: QLGC,isp/sd(block)    'QLGC,ISP1000'
> Board2:        SBus clock frequency: 20 MHz
>                0: QLGC,isp/sd(block)    'QLGC,ISP1000'
>                1: QLGC,isp/sd(block)    'QLGC,ISP1000'
>                2: dma/esp(scsi)         'SUNW,500-1902'
>                   lebuffer/le(network)  'SUNW,500-1902'
>                3: QLGC,isp/sd(block)    'QLGC,ISP1000'
> Board3:        SBus clock frequency: 20 MHz
>                0: QLGC,isp/sd(block)    'QLGC,ISP1000'
>                1: QLGC,isp/sd(block)    'QLGC,ISP1000'
>                2: IKON,ihcp             'IKON,10104,5,6'
>                3: QLGC,isp/sd(block)    'QLGC,ISP1000'
> Board4:        SBus clock frequency: 20 MHz
>                0: QLGC,isp/sd(block)    'QLGC,ISP1000'
>                1: QLGC,isp/sd(block)    'QLGC,ISP1000'
>                2: dma/esp(scsi)         'SUNW,500-1902'
>                   lebuffer/le(network)  'SUNW,500-1902'
>                3: IKON,ihcp             'IKON,10104,5,6'
> Board5:        SBus clock frequency: 20 MHz
>                0: dma/esp(scsi)         'SUNW,500-1902'
>                   lebuffer/le(network)  'SUNW,500-1902'
>                1: dma/esp(scsi)         'SUNW,500-1902'
>                   lebuffer/le(network)  'SUNW,500-1902'
>                2: SUNW,hme              'SUNW,501-2919'
>                3: dma/esp(scsi)         'SUNW,500-1902'
>                   lebuffer/le(network)  'SUNW,500-1902'
> For diagnostic information,
> see /var/opt/CYRSssp/rocket/messages on the SSP.
> I'd love to fire that beastie up again and fill up the empty SIMM
> slots, maybe even add in the power supplies and 7 more system boards
> from the other machine... The I/O cabinet has 7 disk trays in it, with
> ~ 3 drives on each of 14 of those SCSI buses.  And lots of fans.
> Enough upward airflow to put on some goggles and jumpsuit and hover
> over the machine.  Can't do THAT with a T1000. :-)

And that is another lovely sight.

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