[rescue] non-Intel laptop for general use?

Ethan O'Toole ethan at 757tech.net
Tue Oct 30 08:22:07 CDT 2007

> Of course the price/durability ratio is an issue, & yes, an Intel
> solution may be cheaper, but I am willing to pay a bit more if the
> engineering is clearly solid.  Here again I figured that soliciting
> for opinions here would clear up any ambiguity on whether supporting
> something other than the gigantic Intel machine is merely a romantic
> notion.  :-)

Anything non-modern and non-intel is likely to be ballbreaking, slow and 
have a very short battery life. Modern notebooks like the Macbook can run 
4 hours on a charge...

Even though the case is a bit flimsy, and Apple SUCKS for charging extra 
for black, the Macbooks are not bad.

If I was out for a new-used laptop, I think I'd have me a thinkpad x 
series table or notebook. X40/X41/X60/X61

If I recall, the IBM RS/6000 thinkpad was like $19,000 new. Tadpoles and 
Sun notebooks/laptops/nutcrushers were like $12,000-18,000 new?

Ethan O'Toole
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