[rescue] has anyone used >72GB drives in a 280R?

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Mon Oct 29 11:51:31 CDT 2007

>From: Doug Simmons <dsimmons at lib.siu.edu>
>Date: 2007/10/29 Mon AM 10:40:32 CDT
>To: The Rescue List <rescue at sunhelp.org>
>Subject: [rescue] has anyone used >72GB drives in a 280R?

>Sun says that anything over 72gb in a 280r is an unsupported
>configuration. But, is it a POSSIBLE unsupported configuration?
>I'm hoping someone will chime in and say, oh yeah, we've run 300gb
>drives in 280r's for a couple of years now...

Well, I can't say that, but I bet it's a thermal issue, based on the heat thrown by the drives that were bigger than 72 Gig at the time the 280r was a current model...

Does/did Sun offer FC-AL drives greater than 72 Gigs "back in the day"?


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