[rescue] rescuing an ailing U10...

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Wed Oct 3 18:04:21 CDT 2007

On Wed, 3 Oct 2007, Skeezics Boondoggle wrote:

> With high-end servers sporting >1TB of physical RAM and many TBs (or
> even petabytes) of storage these days, I find it strange that we still
> manage disk space in .5K chunks, especially with such huge capacity
> drives...

In 2003 Seagate, Maxtor, Fujitsu, and Hitachi GST released a joint
"position letter" announcing that we'd start to see disks with
4-kilobyte[0] sectors "soon".  The original estimate was that such
drives would ship in 2006, but I'm reasonably certain all the 750GB
disks that I've seen have 512-byte sectors.

4K, BTW, is conveniently the size of an i386 memory page.  Fair enough,
I guess; IIRC, the 512-byte standard came from the VAX memory pagesize.

[0] Real kilobytes, not this "but it's an SI unit" whining or
     kibibibibilitibytes nonsense.
Jonathan Patschke     )  "So far, 99% of illegal activity has been caused
Elgin, TX            (    by criminals."
USA                   )                                    --David Willis

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