[rescue] what to do with a dec alpha 255

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Wed May 30 22:21:12 CDT 2007

r.stricklin wrote:
> On May 30, 2007, at 6:48 PM, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:
>> If you can be okay with VMS being very-much not Unix, it's a wonderful
>> operating system in its own right.  Also, the stark differences in how
>> it operates will give you a better feel for some things that you just
>> took for granted while running Unix.
> That's funny, that's exactly how I felt about z/VM when I first  
> became a sysprog. (@:

For me it was the exact opposite.  I used VSE/ESA (and later MVS/ESA) 
for a long time *before* I learned UNIX.

Peace...  Sridhar

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