[rescue] Curses, foiled again

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Fri May 18 20:13:27 CDT 2007

On Fri, May 18, 2007 at 08:04:35PM -0500, Michael Parson wrote:
> > So, being able to test the A4000 has to be put off another week or 
> > more until I can find and buy [0] an adapter.
> You can put the Retina Z3 in the 4000 and use VGA that way.

Yeah, but that won't give me video output until AmigaOS is installed
and the Z3 drivers are up, etc.  I have to use the native video for
initial setup.

(as far as I know.. maybe I should go test..)


Bill Bradford 
Houston, Texas

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