[rescue] Amigas arrived

Peter Corlett abuse at cabal.org.uk
Fri May 18 10:34:50 CDT 2007

On Fri, May 18, 2007 at 11:28:05AM -0400, Ethan O'Toole wrote:
>> There's a stash of Amiga stuff that does the rounds between a handful of
>> us in much the same way :)
> I gave my 2000 away. I wouldn't mind a 1200 though.

I have *two*. One I use, and one as a spare for if it breaks down. I could
use the A4000s, but the A1200 is actually rather more useful as I have a
SCSI card.

I might fire it up this weekend and start turning the pile of floppies into
.dmg files while they're still readable.

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