Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Thu Jun 14 12:54:07 CDT 2007

Bill Bradford wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 14, 2007 at 11:07:53AM -0500, Timothy Baldridge wrote:
>> This is not mine. I found it on Nekochan. Thought it'd be worth a
>> little drooling. I'm wondering though, has anyone here ever worked on
>> something this big? If so, care to tell us about it?
> Wow, it's sad that something like that is "obsolete" after only five years.

Not just sad, but human-inefficient.

A computer used to run for a long time, giving the staff a lot of time to know 
it and use it well.

Now we keep moving on before fully understanding where we are.

shannon           | An Irishman is never drunk as long as he can hold onto
                   | one blade of grass and not fall off the face of the earth.

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