[rescue] QLogic FC on Solaris 10

Joshua Boyd jdboyd at jdboyd.net
Mon Dec 10 21:04:17 CST 2007

I have a Qlogic FC card in an E250.  I thought it was a QLA2200, but  
I suppose it may possibly be a QLA2100.  Still, I'm pretty sure it is  
a QLA2200.

So, previously under Solaris 9 I think that, prtdiag showed an entry  
for this card, but it didn't identify it as what it was.  I didn't  
note the exact line.  I figured that it needed a driver, and since I  
was planning to anyway, I went and reinstalled the machine to Solaris  
Express (b70).

So, now, prtdiag only shows:
      Bus   Freq
Brd  Type  MHz   Slot  Name                              Model
---  ----  ----  ----  --------------------------------   
SYS   PCI    66     3   ethernet-ethernet

Which is my SysKonnect GigE card.  No sign of the QLA.

I have installed the SUNWqlc package, and then did a boot -r, and  
that makes no change to prtdiag.

So, I'm wondering if there is any sort of easy way, short of  
deracking the machine, to confirm that I have the 2200 instead of the  

Depressingly, prtconf -pv | grep 1077 doesn't show anything.

Also, assuming I'm correct, what do I need to look at next?  I'm not  
expecting this machine to boot from the Qlogic card.  I just want to  
use a few external disks.  Am I likely to have to reflash this card?

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