[rescue] Last Call for ordering your Alpha system

Larry Snyder larrys at lexisnexis.com
Mon Oct 30 19:25:14 CST 2006

"Ethan O'Toole" <ethan at 757tech.net> wrote:
> I've sort of fallen into some other toys. The office is turning more into
> an arcade:
> http://users.757.org/~ethan/pics/geek/unsort/stuff2/IMG_1267.JPG
> http://users.757.org/~ethan/pics/geek/unsort/stuff2/IMG_1266.JPG
> Pinballs are in various states... the electromechnical is close I think.
> It's frigging amazing dude. More fascinating than the digital ones... All
> these solenoids and wheels of contacts. It's neat.

WooHoo!  I have a half dozen EM's from 1948 woodrails to a 74 Super Soccer,
a 1955 Bally shuffle bowler, and a broken Jurassic Park.

I assume you've found Clay's excellent restoration info, know who
Steve Young is, etc, etc.  EM's are a blast!

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