[rescue] Anyone interested in a Sun E3000?

Ethan O'Toole ethan at 757tech.net
Wed Nov 29 12:40:03 CST 2006

>    *snort* Sun also says you can put two V890s in one rack, but there's
> an asterisk next to that line -- and I seem to recall the footnote
> suggesting something about structural engineers and a gantry.

Just need a 9' rack :-)

Check out the AS/400 stacking solutions. Those are frigging crazy!

A friend mentioned em, then we googled...

>    Given the three 208 circuits I brought in for each V890, I just put
> little 2U servers in the rest of those racks. :7)

Hah! yea.

Also on the topic of those crates with ramps... Sun E6800 comes in
something similiar, as did Origin 2000s and Origin 3800s.

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