[rescue] WTB: PCI DVI Card

Michael Dombrowski ab1244 at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 17 11:53:52 CST 2006

> Michael Dombrowski wrote:
> > I want to add a third head so I need a cheap PCI
> card
> > with DVI. Dual monitor support, NVIDIA chipset,
> and TV
> > out are all desireable but not necessary. Let me
> know.
> It would be easier to switch to a dual-head AGP or
> PCI-e card and to add 
> a single-head PCI card.

Two monitors already sit on my AGP card... no PCIe. I
could get a 3+ monitor AGP card but they are extremely
expensive so PCI is the best bet. A dual monitor card
or one with TV out would allow me to also get TV out


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