[rescue] IBM eserver 330 C2T

haroldkarl at juno.com haroldkarl at juno.com
Mon Aug 21 18:25:35 CDT 2006

I know, I know, this group never strays from Sun products... but, I 
did "rescue" this 1U beastie from work.. a community college over-
flowing with old computer carcasses (I did score a E3500!!!)....

I am seeing if anybody has battled with these boxen... especially
the C2T breakout cable that converts to a kvm cable... these little
cables are about $190 on EPay, I was wondering if anyone has
a "spare" that I could beg, borrow or steal... gee, I would even trade
a E450 for it... you would just have to pay for freight--- or come pick
it up!
((( Oregon Coast!)))

just thought I would ask... 

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