[rescue] your next Solaris machine ??? (Sol/x86 booting on iMac)

Patrick Finnegan pat at computer-refuge.org
Fri Apr 14 13:16:09 CDT 2006

On Friday 14 April 2006 12:11, Patrick Giagnocavo wrote:
> The PPC apologists are never going to admit the truth: PPC is
> effectively dead as anything other than an embedded platform (and IBM
> proprietary stuff is just as much embedded as anything else).

What does "IBM proprietary stuff" mean?  The 1U rackmount OpenPOWER 
servers they sell, which run Linux?  Their PPC970 blades for their 
blade centers?  Their PPC970 and POWER5 workstations? Even their big 
scale POWER5 stuff (p590/595) uses PCI, SCSI/FC disks, and can run 
Linux (or AIX) out of the box.

Does non-embedded now mean it has to be able to run Windows or MacOS??

In my world (HPC), POWER(PC) isn't dead, or anywhere near that, 
especially for people that need something special - like really fast 
SMP, lots of memory in a real SMP (non-numa) architecture, or something 
that scales to 2^16 processors (IBM BlueGene).  Their BlueGene is about 
the most proprietary thing that they make (and they won't sell it to 
just anyone with a big wad of cash either).

Purdue University Research Computing ---  http://www.rcac.purdue.edu/
The Computer Refuge                  ---  http://computer-refuge.org

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