[rescue] Upgrading an E220R to E420R...

Shawn Wallbridge shawn at synack-hosting.com
Sat May 21 22:05:34 CDT 2005

I looked at upgrading one of my 220R's and it looked like the power 
connecters were quite a bit different between the 220R chassis and the 
420 motherboard. Did you upgrade the power distribution parts as well?


On 21-May-05, at 9:29 PM, Earl D. Baugh Jr. wrote:

> Wondering if anybody has upgraded an E220R to an E420R.   I've got a 
> 420R
> motherboard (which is the same of course
> as an Ultra 80) and after some disassembly of the 220R, I found that 
> the
> mounting for the motherboards is a slight bit
> different.   Cabling wise, it looks pretty close.   I did try just 
> resting
> the board in, and did get some positive indications,
> but no boot (I'm not 100% sure that this board is good...but the back 
> fan
> did come on).   I did find out that the chassis
> back plate is different (that's gonna be fun to find....) which 
> stupidly I
> didn't check out before I started disassembling it.
> (it's all put together now, a couple hours later...sigh...)
> The plate that sits under the 220R motherboard (which does come out) 
> has
> different mounting tabs on the sides than
> would fit  the 420R motherboard (it doesn't have the "cut-outs" on the
> sides, nor does it have the right holes to be
> able to utilize the plastic mount which fits under the 220R
> motherboard).   The 420R motherboard I have also has a metal
> mounting assembly underneath it.   Now, I've not worked on U60's and 
> U80's
> so I don't know if this a mounting for one of those
> boxes, and something different is used when it's in 420R type chassis. 
>  The
> FEH I have has all the board specs, but not details
> on how the thing comes together.   The installation manual shows a
> motherboard that's got cut-outs on the sides, so perhaps
> the U60 motherboard is slightly different when it's in a 420R chassis??
> Anybody got pictures of inside of a 420R that I can take a gander
> at?  Anybody got one with a motherboard out, so
> I can see what the mounting looks like?  I'd like to know what I'm 
> looking
> for.  (There is one 420R at work that I think
> I might be able to go see...not 100% sure....but figured if folks could
> take a few pictures, a good reference for others/
> I definitely won't be able to pictures of inside it at work...no 
> cameras
> allowed...)
> Thanks.
> Earl
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