[rescue] HP 715/64 & Memory woes

Brian Wheeler bdwheele at indiana.edu
Tue May 17 08:22:32 CDT 2005

On Mon, 2005-05-16 at 22:20 -0400, Mike Nicewonger wrote:
> > Will HP A2576 memory work in an HP 715/64 machine?  I've tried a couple
> > of sticks (in pairs) and it never seems to want to boot up.  I've got
> > two machines so surely one of them isn't busted :)  I just want to make
> > sure I'm not completely insane before I start investing a ton of time on
> > it.
> IIRC that memory is compatible with the 712 series 9000 boxen. By your above
> comments I am ASS-uming you have tried the memory in both machines? 

I'm almost positive that I have (unless I grabbed the same one twice --
which wouldn't really surprise me!).  Here's what's weird:  I got this
715/64 machine a while back and installed NeXTStep onto it.  It was
working ok.  Then suddenly it stopped working with the 7-6-4-3 (which
isn't on that page below :( ) and I asked on the list and got another
set of memory from someone who upgraded (I don't remember who...sorry!)
and I never could get it to work.  All of the modules are the same --
from the old set and the new set: A2576.  Recently I got a spare machine
from a friend (we split a university surplus lot for these machines) and
tried the memory in there -- still no go, and same error code.  Its
really weird.  Did the machine finally get around to reading the part
numbers on the memory? :)

> You may
> also want to run that part number through:
>  http://partsurfer.hp.com
> > When I boot up I get the leds 7-6-4-3 lit up, which doesn't seem to be
> > in any of the manuals I've looked in so far.
> See here:
> http://www.openpa.net/hardware.html#diag
> If you get jammed up shoot me a private email and I will send you a pair of
> known good compatible SIMMs.

I may take you up on that depending on what else comes up on the
list...as well as some more experiments.


> --
> Mike N
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