[rescue] Solaris 10 management facility

Ido Dubrawsky idubraws at dubrawsky.org
Tue Jul 26 15:05:44 CDT 2005

I'm trying to setup an Apache 2.0.54 server on a Solaris 10 Ultra 5.  
I've got the software installed in /opt and everytime I boot I get the 
following error and the service doesn't start (it goes into maintenance 

/lib/svc/method/http-apache2: /opt/bin/apachectl: not found
[ Jul 26 15:34:40 Method "start" exited with status 1 ]
[ Jul 26 15:34:40 Executing start method ("/lib/svc/method/http-apache2 

Anyway, I've been looking at how SSH starts (and I've got OpenSSH 4.1p1 
installed on this box in /opt as well) and it works fine.  I'm trying to 
add a dependency to the http service method so that it has a dependency 
that the svc:/multi-user-state is reached before it tries to start the 
apache server but everytime I try to add this dependency using the 
following command it keeps give me the following error:

svc:/network/http:apache2> setprop dependents/http_multi-user-server = 
astring svc:/milestone/multi-user-server
Type required for new properties.

I've added the property group 'dependents' as a framework but I cannot 
seem to create the dependents/http_multi-user-server property as an 
astring.  I've even tried to use the property type SCF_TYPE_ASTRING 
(from the scf_create_value man page).  Does anyone have a suggestion as 
to what I could try next?


Ido Dubrawsky, CISSP                    E-mail: ido at dubrawsky.org
Network Security Architect                      idubraws at siliconsec.com
500 Hermleigh Rd
Silver Spring, MD. 20902
(301) 651-5441 (cell)

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