[rescue] FS: RDI/Tadpole Ultrabook plus goodies

stephen price sd_price at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 28 22:43:40 CDT 2005

I sent this unit up to Tadpole Sept 2004 to have the
OBP updated, and it is running very well.  As with
most RDI/Tadpole laptops, the paint has peeled/flaked
off in multiple spots.  The lcd is faultless, no bad
pixels (at least that I can see).  Battery life is
pretty much non-existent, so no guarantee on the

* 200MHz UltraSparc
* OBP 3.1.8
* 128mb ram
* 12gb hard disk
* Solaris 8 (running as 64bit) loaded with Tadpole
* Scsi cable for cdrom
* Sun/Toshiba bootable external cdrom (don't remember
speed - probably a 24x - maybe faster)
* Extra battery - no guarantee on good or not
* Copy of Solaris 8 04/02 iso burned to cdrom
* Copy of Tadpole Ultrabook manuals and utilities
burned to cdrom
* Third party power supply - same volt/amp as original
- rewired plug to match laptop - works like a champ.

If interested - please contact me "off-list" at
sd_price at yahoo.com.

I don't mind shipping outside US - but new owner in
that case will have to handle their own VAT, duties,
import taxes, etc, etc. 

Steve Price
Fort Worth TX

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