[rescue] FS: Xyplex Terminal Server (1600) and Printer Server (1400)

Steve Sandau ssandau at gwi.net
Tue Apr 5 21:47:40 CDT 2005

>> Xyplex MAXSERVER 1600 Terminal Server - $30 shipped Continental US
>> - 10 BaseT & AUI Ethernet
>> - 16 RJ-45 serial ports
>> - Good physical condition
>> - For additional Information, see: http://www.gno.org/~gdr/xyplex/ and 
>> http://www.conserver.com/consoles/Xyplex/xyplexcons.html
>> Xyplex MAXSERVER 1400 Printer Server - $30 Shipped Continental US
>> - AUI Ethernet (only connector)
>> - 2 RJ-45 (serial ports?)
>> - 2 Centronics printer ports
>> - 2 Dataproducts ports
>> - Good physical condition
>> - apparently supports two serial ports and two ports, either parallel, 
>> Dataproducts, or a mix (based on markings on back)
>> - Similar to this: 
>> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=1484&item=5764367673&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW 
>> (Xyplex 1450 whereas mine is a 1400)
>> Note: Both prices INCLUDE shipping, and I am open to offers/trades, 
>> but my shed list is greater than my wish list.
> Hi,
> Do you have any takers on the terminal server yet?? If not, I'll take it.
> Steve

Aw, geez... Sorry. Meant to be private...


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