[rescue] F/S E250

D.A. Muran-de Assereto dmuran at tuad.org
Tue Sep 7 22:52:44 CDT 2004

Had a deal go bad, and now I have an E250 for sale.

2x250Mhz, 1GB RAM, CDROM, no disk, no skins. $200 or make me a reasonable offer.

I'd also be willing to take some trade goods -
I'm interested in a PCI QFE, a SUNPCi II or better, DLTIV media in groups of
seven, maybe other Sun/SGI/PC stuff.

Would prefer local DC area sale; I really don't want to ship this beastie if I
can help it.
If interested, please drop me a line off list.

Housecleaning stuff for sale/giveaway will follow in a couple of days.

Dave Muran-de Assereto
Aude Sapere!

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