[rescue] Off-speed CPUs in U450

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Thu Sep 2 09:25:11 CDT 2004

> From: "D.A. Muran-de Assereto" <dmuran at tuad.org>
> Date: 2004/09/02 Thu PM 12:20:17 GMT
> To: "Rescue" <rescue at sunhelp.org>
> Subject: [rescue] Off-speed CPUs in U450
> Anyone ever tried running U60 CPUs in an E450? I've got access to some 360Mhz 
> CPUs, and although they're not officially support in the E450, there doesn't 
> seem to be any physical reason they wouldn't work.

The issue would be clock speed/multiplier supported, I think...

A careful review of the Sun System Handbook would be best - you'd have to look at the setting in the U60 to support the 360 MHz CPU and see if there is some similar setting available in the E450.

I tend to trust the system handbook, but sometimes similar parts with different part numbers will work, despite what the handbook says, due I suspect to the last time the book was updated and the parts currently available (i.e. a version of the SM71 CPU that was released after the last update of the handbook wouldn't be listed, but since other SM71 CPUs are supported, it would be a safe assumption...

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