[rescue] Part Numbers (was: New subscriber...)

Thomas Gallaway rescue at port11.net
Fri Mar 19 12:59:22 CST 2004

Dave McGuire wrote:

> On Mar 19, 2004, at 1:35 PM, Sheldon T. Hall wrote:
>> Seriously, assuming that the manufacturers know what they are 
>> manufacturing,
>> how hard would it be to silkscreen a _description_ on the thing, 
>> while they
>> are doing the part number?
>> "501-1234 FDDI Mode Z transceiver for SBUS"
>   Really...how difficult is it to do a Google search for "sun 501-1234"?
>        -Dave

If you are digging in a dumpster with tons of hardware over you and you 
dig out some weird looking cards it'd be handy to know what they are ;-) 
How many times did I bring back home tons of cards to find out they are 
4/16 chokenring or other bizarr stuff that had it's rightfull place 
inside the dumpster.

I really would appreciate google inside a dumpster but I would not know 
how to start an proposal to the trash company.

-- Thomas

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