[rescue] Notify about your e-mail account utilization.

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Wed Mar 17 11:29:16 CST 2004

> From: Dave McGuire <mcguire at neurotica.com>
> Date: 2004/03/17 Wed PM 05:18:19 GMT
> To: The Rescue List <rescue at sunhelp.org>
> Subject: Re: [rescue] Notify about your e-mail account utilization.

>    Heh...I only use UNIX boxes out of impatience. 
> I don't like dealing with viruses, losing work, or
> using slow computers. :)

Heh, for me, Unix workstations are like '70s muscle cars - I have them, I collect them, and I run them on dry, sunny days. But for driving around town, I have a nice new car with a 3.0 liter engine and a Mfg. warranty.

I am unusally virus/crash free on my PCs, though my wife has a laptop that will freeze on her from time to time (Toshiba Portege 3010, thin laptop w/P200?). For Valentines day I got her a low-end iBook and she loves it!

Now, there is this one brick-like U30 that is giving me headaches... Well, I'll save that for another posting...

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