[rescue] NeXT hardware needs a good home

Isaac isaac at pobox.com
Fri Jul 2 13:23:29 CDT 2004

Greetings rescue'ers!

I've enjoyed reading this list for a long time via the archives, but
haven't had an occasion to actually subscribe or post until now. I have
been a NeXT user since the mid '90s, and suffered through the dark years
before the prodigal son's return to Apple and the apotheosis of NEXTSTEP
to Mac OS X.

My girlfriend and I recently moved from 2 large apartments to one small
apartment that's now bursting at the seams. This means my beloved
NeXTstation TurboColor and matching LaserPrinter must go. Turbocolors
aren't particularly rare, I know, though this one is a particularly
complete and loaded example.

Specs are as follows:
* 64 MB RAM, internal 2GB disk and 2.88MB floppy.
* external 2 GB Barracuda disk (currently the boot drive)
* bootable Apple CD300e with caddy.
* original ADB Soundbox, adb cable, keyboard, and mouse
* N4006 NeXT 17" color monitor (Trinitron tube, 72Hz)
* NeXT 400dpi LaserPrinter with 2 original paper cartridges and 2
  original cables.
* Complete original NEXTSTEP 3.3 media with NeXT and Intel boot
  floppies, NeXT hardware/Intel cd, SPARC/PA-RISC cd, developer cd,
  Enterprise Objects Framework CD, and the Apple Y2K update CD.
  I've also got original media of the Lighthouse Design suite.
  On the hard drive I have all the early NEXTSTEP goodies that weren't
  on 3.3 like the complete works of Shakespeare and the Oxford
  Quotations, along with lots and lots of assorted NEXTSTEP apps
  (nothing pirated, of course - mostly free stuff from peanuts and the
  Lighthouse apps.)

This machine was originally purchased from Rob Blessin of blackholeinc
and was my primary home workstation from 1996-2000. I haven't used it
much in years and as much as I love it, it's time to let go.

It's in Brooklyn NY and much too heavy for me (being car-less) to ship.
I'll entertain any reasonable offer from someone willing to pick it up.


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