[rescue] Stuff to go, some free [was: 1 maybe 2 FREE SGI Crimsons]

Nadine Miller vraptor at promessage.com
Thu Feb 19 13:21:56 CST 2004

Gerhard Lenerz wrote:

>>*mental note: never get married*
>   Or find a woman that is also interested in computers. While that
>   sounds like a great idea, there is a huge risk that you will also be
>   fighting over pieces of hardware and such - just in a different way.
>   :-)

There are other risks, too, if it's not just a hobby.
When both are in IT...downsizing is double-indemnity,
as we found out.

But, the happiest couples I know are the ones where
intellectual interests and hobbies are shared.  With
us, that covers books, movies, computer games, and
rpg's.  I'm the hardware geek, though having been a
computer guy, he's OK with it, so long as I don't
let it get out of hand (which it has).

And on that note, I have the following... :-)

Tatung U2 clone, rack-mount, no cpu or HD.  Believe
on-board SCSI is bad, but otherwise OK.  Free to any-
one in the SF Bay area that wants it.  Will consider
shipping for cost + couple of bucks for my trouble--
but this puppy is heavy!

I have a lot of older ProTools and related audio gear
for sale.  Also have a bunch of Mac stuff (NuBus and
PCI PowerMac era--CPUs, other parts) that I'd like to
get rid of.  Ping me if you'd like a list.

If anyone needs Sparc 2 parts, ping me.  Mobos/CPUs
are dead, but floppies, PSUs, PROMs (maybe) are ok
(2 of each), you can have it for the cost of shipping.

I still have a ton of 32MB sticks of SS20/U1/U2 RAM,
some is tested, some is not, but I doubt that any of
it is bad, since it came from a reliable source.
Make me an offer.

I also have an HP 5L printer (works fine with CUPs, but
WinXP drive sucks you-know-what), and one LaserWriter
12/640 with another chassis (minus processor board),
and a spare draft-quality partial toner cartridge.
The 12/640 needs some TLC.  I had it working pretty
well, but then it started mis-feeding and I just
don't have the cycles to work on it.  I have all the
service documents to go with it.  Prefer pick-up;
make me a low-ball offer on either.

Trades considered. Looking for:
* Cable/DSL Wireless AP combo firewall & NAT (would
   like to get rid of my PC FW, since I am moving to
   a smaller place)
* small unmanaged 10/100 switch like a 4 or 8 port
* any interesting Mac stuff of beige G3 era or more
   recent (wishful thinking)

I'm in North San Jose, for those in the immediate area
(Cisco land); zip 95134.  Feel free to forward to anyone
you might think may be interested, especially regarding
the audio (it's the most useful stuff outside of the
RAM/U2 :-).


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