[rescue] IKEA "Jerker" desk instructions?

r.stricklin bear at typewritten.org
Sun Feb 15 21:52:26 CST 2004

On Feb 15, 2004, at 7:22 PM, William Barnett-Lewis wrote:

> Nope, don't have that one, but all of the Ikea desks are great. We 
> have to go to Chicago from Madison, but it's worth the drive for the 
> quality of their products. Can you call the nearest Ikea store and see 
> if they still carry that desk? Perhaps they could fax it then.

They do still sell the Jerker, but it's apparently been significantly 
redesigned at least once. I have two and they're only vaguely like 
Bill's photos. The top shelf on mine are much shallower and do not have 
angle brackets to support them; the main surface is shaped differently; 
and there are no pull-out anythings.

I was about to write and say I didn't see what was so complex that you 
couldn't reassemble them without instructions. After looking at the 
photos, though, I can see how there might be one or two small 

Mine look like this (ca. Dec 2001... warning, dated tech!)



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