[rescue] [OT?] Linux on a SS2

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 14 13:08:29 CST 2004

--- Kay <sunfriek at ussonet.net> wrote:
> my firewall is a Sun LX with 128megs of ram and a sun QFE with
> Solaris 8 and IPfilter and has served me well since before 1997..
> it worked all the way from a dialup connection to a T1 connection..

Did you ever notice what Sun says about CPU requirements for SBUS QFE
cards? I quote:

"One CPU per port is recommended for maximum throughput. 
 Two CPUs per QFE/S is recommended for >=200MHz systems."

One CPU per port? How did your (presumed) single-CPU LX function? ;^)


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