[rescue] New acquisition... (AIX)
Lionel Peterson
lionel4287 at verizon.net
Mon Apr 5 22:48:48 CDT 2004
> From: Andrew Weiss <ajwdsp at cloud9.net>
> Date: 2004/04/04 Sun AM 06:14:03 GMT
> To: The Rescue List <rescue at sunhelp.org>
> Subject: Re: [rescue] New acquisition... (AIX)
> I think it actually printed in both directions alternatingly but you
> got occasional non-printing returns... sounded like a screen door
> hydraulic as it travelled along the bar. And of course my original
> home PC's printer a Citizen 120D. Nice little dot matrix printer. I
> still had it up until a few years ago... in fact my dad might have it
> somewhere.
My first printer was a Mannesman Tally (sp?) that was very programmable and
had square print heads! ;^)
I hung it off my DEC Professional 350, strung together some keyboard macros
to enable/exploit some of the features in the printer under Pro/EDT...
Still have them all, but don't think I can get a ribbon for the Mannesman
Tally printer any more...
Square print heads - genius! Can't believe that didn't catch on...
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