[rescue] SOLVED - why is a blade1000 with elite3dm6 so slow?

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 27 08:15:32 CST 2003

--- Paolo Di Francesco <paipai at tin.it> wrote:
> I surfed on google and the net, and I found an interesting tip:
> install the media libs. Surprise! It improved a lot! ;)


I wonder, when are the "medial libs" installed? Is it part of a
"complete" install? Was this box built from a complete install? Was the
elite 3dm6 part of the original configuration, or added to the system

Also, what is the full name of the package? I wonder what cards this
media libs package supports/improves (like, an elite 3dm3 ;^)?

Thanks for the info!


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